Welcome to our Holy Name website. Thanks for choosing to spend a few minutes “checking us out.”
Nestled in a residential area about one-half mile north of downtown Birmingham, for a century Holy Name has been a setting where people of faith have gathered for worship of the Lord, to deepen their faith and renew their commitment to service of neighbor, especially those in need.
Our parish leadership is committed to four guiding principles and most of our parishioners share this same vision:
Word, worship and service are interwoven. Faith Formation for children and adults empower and motivate worship and service. Conversely, our experiences in serving others helps us recognize our need for continued study of Scripture and the faith and makes our worship more meaningful.
Genuine hospitality must always be mutual; in truth, every person is capable of offering some gift of self and likewise, everyone one has some need of the community’s help.
Real presence undergirds all our efforts, that is to say, while virtual programming is sometimes necessary (as in the current pandemic and with our livestreaming of services and presentations) ideally we want to be fully present to each other as we believe the Lord is to us.
We are not saved as isolated individuals but together as we are immersed more deeply into Christ’s risen body, the Church.
We are on a three and a half square acre plot but there is a positive, joyful energy among us which will draw you in and send you forth renewed and eager to serve.